Super Dungeon Explore
Super Dungeon Explore (SDE) is an anime/chibi style dungeon crawler board game published by Ninja Divison (former Soda Pop Miniatures!).
SDE itself has come a long way.
Since the first edition in 2011 the publisher has been releasing products up to the present day.
Due to the long development of the game different version and rule-sets exist. For more information regarding this check the unofficial wiki.
SDE itself has come a long way.
Since the first edition in 2011 the publisher has been releasing products up to the present day.
Due to the long development of the game different version and rule-sets exist. For more information regarding this check the unofficial wiki.
About the game
In this game, a group of heroes work together against the Dark Consul, exploring the dungeon and defeating his minions to clear the dungeon. The Dark Consul can either be played by a player or the game takes over this role.
During the game, the party can find loot and treasure that can be used to boost the heroes.
There is also an expension that lets you have a pet which fights by your side.
Dice decide your fate!
Whether your attack or your defense is successful will depend on your rolls.
Your Hero and your Loot will define your play-style:
- Play supporty to heal your party and lend a helping hand (some extra dice) in battles.
- Play tanky to sit out every fight (make sure to have an eye on your party tho).
- Play as a glass canon to f*** s*** up and to die in the blink of an eye.
Usefull websites regarding SDE
The official website.
The unofficial Wiki.
The SDE Card Creator. OR
Kamurai's site in general.